
Avis clients

Maksym F.
Maksym F.
Tom L.
fonctionne parfaitement, il suffit d'utiliser du gaz siliconé et de ne jamais la stocker vide et votre grenade...
Andy P.
Bien , bref c’est du tokyo marui !
Livraison rapide,concernat la réplique:la réplique marche bien, seul petit défaut c’est la puissance du sniper (...
Gilles L.
Très bon rapport qualité/prix
Petit prix pour graisse de haute qualité ! A appliquer au pinceau : nul besoin d'en mettre une tonne...
Gilles L.
Très bon rapport qualité/prix
Excellente graisse à prix serré. A appliquer au pinceau, nul besoin de confondre gearbox et friteuse Lol
Gilles L.
Très bon rapport qualité/prix
Kit installé sur un VFC Saber CQB équipé d'un silencieux de 150mm. Canon Prometheus de 363mm. Monté sur un...
Gilles L.
Très bon rapport qualité/prix
En remplacement de celui d'origine sur un VFC Avalon Saber CQB Aster Gate. Maintien amélioré.

Product list from HERA ARMS

Our company was founded in Germany in 2008 by Thomas Nöth. Already after 2 successful business years we could expand to the European as well as the US-American market. In 2010 the company was renamed to GmbH. In 2016 HERA LLC was founded in Salt Lake City Utah.

The machining of our products takes place to approx. 80% in our production hall in Triefenstein. Here, on our own machinery, we manufacture all housing parts such as uppers, lowers, hand guns, rail systems, pistol stocks, etc. Mechanical finishing such as slide grinding and robot-assisted glass bead blasting are also carried out here. Our machine park relies 100% on machines from the manufacturer DMG Mori AG.

The production of firearms and the assembly of various components is also carried out at our location in Triefenstein. Approx. 20% of the machining production, mainly in the area of rotary cutting, is carried out by one of our production partners in Kreuzwertheim, 8 kilometers away. As a partner of HERA’s birth as well as a renowned company with experience in medical technology, the automotive industry as well as in mechanical and plant engineering, we can draw here on decades of experience.

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 items
Showing 1 - 12 of 12 items