Orga Magnus Cylinder & Piston Head for AEG V2 - V6 - View larger

Orga Magnus Cylinder & Piston Head for AEG V2 - V6


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41,58 € tax excl.

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More info

Magnus Cylinder with PistonHead for Ver2 through Ver6 gear boxes. 

The Magnus Wide Bore cylinder and piston head are part of our "long range" shooting line-up of products. The bore-up cylinder is larger than a standard diameter cylinder, allowing for increased air volume. The dedicated piston head creates a very tight seal, which allows for optimum performance.

The set includes:
- Magnus Cylinder
- Magnus dedicated piston head
- Replaceable O-ring sealing system
- Installation Instructions

The ORGA mentality
It is important to create extensive power behind the BB to increase the trajectory! 

Compression x Quantity of air = Trajectory 

* Compression = Spring power
* Quantity of air = Capacity of the cylinder


Questions  (1)

A partir de Jonathan | 2022-11-18 18:29:22

Could you please tell me:
a) length
b)External diameter
c) inner hole diameter

Thanks in advance


the length is 72 mm, external diameter 25.30 mm and internal diameter 24.30 mm.
Best regards.

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