GATE Blu-Link


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5.0 / 5
Moyenne : 5.0 / 5
Basée sur 2 avis clients.

54,08 € tax excl.

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More info

Key features :

  • Bluetooth® adapter – adds Bluetooth® function to TITAN and ASTER

  • Wireless connection between GATE ETU and compatible GATE devices – enables connecting ASTER or TITAN with other elements of GATE ecosystem (e.g., future GATE STATUS)

  • Compatibility with GCS app for iOS, Android and later this year, also Windows/macOS

  • Option to switch between data transfer and firing mode from the app level

  • Additional configurable smart fuse (UVP, SCP, OCP, OTP) – protects the battery in case of short circuiting wires between Blu-Link and TITAN or ASTER or other system failure. It provides under voltage, over current and over temperature protection

  • Multifunctional wattmeter allowing for, e.g., reading telemetry data

  • Conformal coating (Military Specification MIL-V-173C)

 Advantages :

  • Designed to consume very little power

  • Full mobility – no cables needed to connect with the GCS app and forthcoming STATUS

  • In the data transfer mode, it allows for programming, changing settings and updating TITAN and ASTER firmware via GCS app

  • Can be plugged between the ETU and the battery through entire skirmish – no need to detach the battery for configuration or checking the Statistics (contrary to the USB-Link)

 If you want to connect with GATE Control Station via USB, use GATE USB-Link.

USB-Link vs. Blu-Link




GCS app for ASTER and TITAN




No need to disconnect battery during skirmish or for programming


Wirelessness (Bluetooth®)


Full mobility


Connection with other GATE ecosystem elements


Questions  (4)

A partir de Jonathan | 2023-03-19 17:53:57

Bonjour J'ai un Mosfet TITAN Basic Module GATE et je voulais savoir si le gate Blu-link est compatible avec celui ci car la carte n'est pas disponible


oui il sera compatible.

A partir de florian | 2021-12-29 17:02:07

Bonjour, moi et mon ami possédons tous les deux un mosfet aster v2, est-il possible de se le prêté pour que chaque un le configure de sont cotés ou faut-il en acheter un par réplique ?


Bonjour , vous pouvez vous prêter le Blu Link sans problème .


A partir de axel p | 2020-11-21 11:45:17

est ce que avec le blu link on peut personaliser les parametre comme si on conecter le titan a son telephone


Bonjour , il dispose des mêmes fonctionnalités que l'Usb Link .


A partir de Riccardo C | 2020-11-09 23:57:26

Is it safe for the device to link him to an 11.1 lipo?


Hello , no probléme with 11.1

Best regards ,

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