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Are are continuing with the Amoeba Innovations M4 style AEGs, except this time they look a little more like a M4. They've released three different version. The CG-001, CG-002, and CG-003. They all have the same Amoeba receiver you've seen on their last product, the Amoeba pistol grip and a 300 round hi cap PMG magazine which has a fold out rubber piece to protect it from drops. The magazine also looks as if there are cartridges inside making it look realistic.
This is where the similarities end. The CG-001 is the short, stubby version with 3.5 inch QUAD rails for all your accessories. On top are there own removable front and rear sights and at the back is it's own Amoeba style extendable stock. It also comes with a stubby fore grip making it very comfortable to hold. It's short stature makes it perfect for CQB even though the fps is a little high, and since it's very accurate at ranges of 20 meters, you'll have no trouble picking off your targets.
The AMOEBA uses ARES's Electric Fire Control System so you can make your AMOEBA shoot in burst fire if you wish. Inside, you can find a MOSFET so each and every single shot is even and consistent with one full rotation of the gears.
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