Umarex / VFC MP7A1 GBBR Gen2 NPAS


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4.7 / 5
Moyenne : 4.7 / 5
Basée sur 12 avis clients.

249,92 € tax excl.

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More info

VFC are the latest company to introduce a MP7 GBB into the fold. Like KWA, they too have fully licensed markings with authorization from Umarex themselves. Not only does it look like masterpiece out of the box, it's solid, sturdy and very light weight which is something you definitely want in an MP7.It weight a little less than the real steel MP7 by Heckler & Koch, but that doesn't matter, this is an airsoft replica after all, and a beauty at that! 

Not only does it look great, but firing the MP7 will most certainly bring a grin to your face with a very hard kick and a scarily fast rate of fire. You really don't want to be on the receiving end of this MP7 as it can challenge both KWA and Tokyo Marui in both performance and reliability on the field.

The stock can fully extend, allowing you to shoulder it comfortably whilst slightly off center under your color bone. It's completely ambidextrous the Umarex MP7A1 is perfect for those up close encounters. Its iron sights feature 2 settings, low profile tri-dot sights, as well as the higher profiled rifle sights.

It is also equipped with an adjustable NPAS .

Data sheet

Caliber6mm Airsoft
MaterialPolymer / Metal
Main colorBlack
Firing modeSemi + Full automatic
Power sourceGas
Magazine capacity40
Power (FPS @ 0.20gr)360fps


Gas replica power

The power of gas replicas is a point of reference only, it does not constitute a guarantee of results but an estimation made by the manufacturer. Please take this information into account before purchasing, no warranty service regarding the power can be applied. The power advertised for gas replicas can be highly variable because the cooling of the tank linked to rapid fire, pressure / type of gas used and winter conditions, it is possible to empty all the gas quickly from a magazine, and if there is not enough time given to convert the liquid part into gas, the liquid form then rises through the nozzle as a white cloud. Be sure to use your equipment on suitable climatic conditions and adapt your rate of fire to the ambient temperature to avoid that effect. We recommend that you always choose the manufacturer's brand spare magazines. Choosing a different brand may generate a different power from the original as the percussion valve and magazine lips are not the same.

Airsoft gun Law

This airsoft replica is subject to the french Decree No. 99-240 of March 24, 1999, which regulates the law of replica firearms developing an output energy from the muzzle greater than 0.08 joule and equal to or less than 2 joules. This product is intended for recreational use only. By adding this product to your cart, you acknowledge:

  • Being older than 18
  • Master the basic safety rules concerning the use of this type of replica (wearing protective glasses, playing in a suitable and private place, etc.).
  • Never expose the replica in a public place because it can be mistaken for a real weapon with all the disastrous consequences that this implies
  • Being in full knowledge of the airsoft laws in your local country and buying knowingly, Powair6 cannot be responsible in the case of illegal importation.
  • Never point or shoot at a person, animal or any other object representing any danger.
  • Do not aim with your replica until you are ready to shoot at the target you have selected.
  • Do not shoot on a hard surface, risk of the ball bouncing, or in water, which could cause dangerous ricochets.
  • Do not aim the shot at the eyes or ears.
  • Do not use airsoft without wearing goggles or a protective mask.
  • Do not attempt to modify or disassemble the product in order to increase its firing power. It can be dangerous and will void the warranty.
  • Always be sure to keep the safety “ON” when you are no longer using the product.
  • Never look into the barrel, a BB may be hurt your eyes.

Questions  (17)

A partir de Antony | 2024-11-07 12:32:14

Quel est le filetage du canon sur ce mp7 ? Possible d'y mettre un adapteur pour y rajouter un traceur ?
Si oui, lequel conseillez vous ?

A partir de Luc | 2023-10-02 12:40:36

Le NPAS est le même que sur les VFC Gen3 ?
Est ce qu'il faut un outil spécial pour régler le NPAS?


non pas besoin d'outils spéciaux. Une clé 6 pans sera nécessaire.

A partir de Jordy | 2023-07-15 19:29:32

is het mogelijk dat deze replica ook naar nederland verzonden kan worden

mvg jordy


Good morning;
Yes No problem.
Best regards.

A partir de Sean | 2023-06-22 12:29:03


Kan deze verstuurd worden naar België?

Met vriendelijke groet


Good morning;
Yes No problem.
Best regards.

A partir de Sean | 2023-06-19 22:40:21

Is het mogelijk om de mp7 om te zetten naar HPA met een Hpa engine.

Met vriendelijke groeten,


Good morning;
no it will not be possible to install an HPA system. But you can switch it to HPA by putting a valve on your magazine.
Best regards.

A partir de Pierre | 2023-01-25 07:18:20

Auriez vous un drum compatible avec ce gbbr ?


nous n'avons pas de drum compatible avec cette réplique.

A partir de Matthias | 2023-01-07 14:32:30

des canon et bloc hop-up compatible sur votre site


nous ne disposons pas de bloc hop-up compatible, pour ce qui est du canon il s'agit d'un canon GBB/VSR.

A partir de Aubin | 2022-12-19 19:28:31

Bonjour, qu'es ce que le NPAS ? À quoi sert t'il?
Merci d'avance


le NPAS et une pièce à l'intérieur du nozzle qui permet de régler la puissance de votre réplique en dispatchant plus ou moins d'air dans la culasse.

A partir de Julien Decocker | 2022-12-14 11:39:37

Pourriez-vous me conseiller des chargeurs pour cette réplique ?
Merci par avance pour votre réponse


Bonjour , ils sont liés dans les accessoires de la réplique .


A partir de Corsaire | 2022-07-25 20:03:35

Hello guys, is this MP7 locked to 1 joule max or is it possible to adjust it to a higher joule like 1.3, 1.4 etc?


The power of your replica will depend on the gas you are going to use. Being equipped with an NPAS you can more easily adjust the power. So you can achieve the power you desire.
Best regards.

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