P6 AAP-01 assassin GBB high flow HPA - Black


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More info

The Action Army AAP-01 "Assassin Pistol" is a cool designed pistol that is very similar to the Ruger MK4. The pistol is green gas powered and features a fair amount felt recoil as well as snappy cycling. The AAP-01 also comes with a threaded outer barrel for the mounting of suppressors.The AAP-01 is a polymer frame pistol and it feels very comfortable to hold, its sights line up nicely which make pointing and shooting this pistol feel very nimble. Adding to this, you can select between semi auto and full auto modes of firing which really dials up the fun factor.

This replica is an AAC AAP01 Assassin with the original magazine tuned in HPA by our workshop

  •     Milling of the base plate : fitting is deep installed in the the magazine to prevent breakage
  •     Milling & install an high flow HPA fitting US or EU
  •     Allow the use of Full Auto without any loose of FPS
  •     Available in US or EU version, please make your choice before adding to cart

Please note that for added security the high flow fitting is permanently attached to the magazine and cannot be unscrewed. The HPA magazine also cannot be tuned in gas version anymore.

Data sheet

Caliber6mm Airsoft
Main colorBlack
Thread type14mm CCW
Firing modeSemi + Full automatic
Power sourceHPA
Inner barrel (mm)128
Magazine capacity22


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Gas replica power

The power of gas replicas is a point of reference only, it does not constitute a guarantee of results but an estimation made by the manufacturer. Please take this information into account before purchasing, no warranty service regarding the power can be applied. The power advertised for gas replicas can be highly variable because the cooling of the tank linked to rapid fire, pressure / type of gas used and winter conditions, it is possible to empty all the gas quickly from a magazine, and if there is not enough time given to convert the liquid part into gas, the liquid form then rises through the nozzle as a white cloud. Be sure to use your equipment on suitable climatic conditions and adapt your rate of fire to the ambient temperature to avoid that effect. We recommend that you always choose the manufacturer's brand spare magazines. Choosing a different brand may generate a different power from the original as the percussion valve and magazine lips are not the same.

Airsoft gun Law

This airsoft replica is subject to the french Decree No. 99-240 of March 24, 1999, which regulates the law of replica firearms developing an output energy from the muzzle greater than 0.08 joule and equal to or less than 2 joules. This product is intended for recreational use only. By adding this product to your cart, you acknowledge:

  • Being older than 18
  • Master the basic safety rules concerning the use of this type of replica (wearing protective glasses, playing in a suitable and private place, etc.).
  • Never expose the replica in a public place because it can be mistaken for a real weapon with all the disastrous consequences that this implies
  • Being in full knowledge of the airsoft laws in your local country and buying knowingly, Powair6 cannot be responsible in the case of illegal importation.
  • Never point or shoot at a person, animal or any other object representing any danger.
  • Do not aim with your replica until you are ready to shoot at the target you have selected.
  • Do not shoot on a hard surface, risk of the ball bouncing, or in water, which could cause dangerous ricochets.
  • Do not aim the shot at the eyes or ears.
  • Do not use airsoft without wearing goggles or a protective mask.
  • Do not attempt to modify or disassemble the product in order to increase its firing power. It can be dangerous and will void the warranty.
  • Always be sure to keep the safety “ON” when you are no longer using the product.
  • Never look into the barrel, a BB may be hurt your eyes.

This airsoft replica is subject to the french Decree No. 99-240 of March 24, 1999, which regulates the law of replica firearms developing an output energy from the muzzle greater than 0.08 joule and equal to or less than 2 joules. This product is intended for recreational use only. By adding this product to your cart, you acknowledge:

  • Being older than 18
  • Master the basic safety rules concerning the use of this type of replica (wearing protective glasses, playing in a suitable and private place, etc.).
  • Never expose the replica in a public place because it can be mistaken for a real weapon with all the disastrous consequences that this implies
  • Being in full knowledge of the airsoft laws in your local country and buying knowingly, Powair6 cannot be responsible in the case of illegal importation.
  • Never point or shoot at a person, animal or any other object representing any danger.
  • Do not aim with your replica until you are ready to shoot at the target you have selected.
  • Do not shoot on a hard surface, risk of the ball bouncing, or in water, which could cause dangerous ricochets.
  • Do not aim the shot at the eyes or ears.
  • Do not use airsoft without wearing goggles or a protective mask.
  • Do not attempt to modify or disassemble the product in order to increase its firing power. It can be dangerous and will void the warranty.
  • Always be sure to keep the safety “ON” when you are no longer using the product.
  • Never look into the barrel, a BB may be hurt your eyes.


Questions  (4)

A partir de James | 2023-09-16 16:59:39

Pour avoir l'équipement complet HPA, avec la réplique, il faut quoi ? Et le prix total ?
Merci d'avance.


il vous faudra : une bouteille HPA, un régulateur et un flexible. Il y a différents choix ce qui influence le prix. Le premier prix est de 150€ environ. Voici le lien pour les différents packs :

A partir de Olivier | 2022-12-25 19:51:14

Bonjour , j aurais bien aimé savoir quel était le réglage optimal pour cette version ...(80 PSI)?
Merci beaucoup


la réplique peut-être utilisée entre 70-120 PSI en dehors de cette tolérance la réplique risque de mal fonctionner ou de s'user très rapidement.

A partir de Romain | 2021-10-29 00:36:11

Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si le "P6 chargeur WE 350 billes converti HPA pour Glock GBB", référence "P6-HPA-MG-DRM17-BK" est bien compatible avec ce produit. Et si non, quel chargeur Hi-Cap hpa le serait? Merci d'avance.


Bonjour , oui il est parfaitement compatible .


A partir de Riccardo | 2021-09-12 11:41:25

hi, is this replica compatible with the P6 WE 350rds Magazine HPA tuned for hi-capa?


Hello , no you need to take a version for glock we.

Best regards,

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