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AR / M4 based AEG platform; overall length of 72cm, reduces to 64cm when the stock is fully closed. Aluminium reliever and RAS with black smooth coat finish, it has 14 inches of rail along the top as well as 6 inches on the bottom and each side. The weapon comes bundled with flip up rail attach rear and front iron sights as well as a rail attach hand-stop.
The handling and layout is just like an AR only optimized for CQB use. The pistol grip is similar the PDW type variants with its smaller, shorter form. The dummy bolt does lock rearward when manually cycled making hop-up access easier. The bolt release is functional and ambidextrous, as is the magazine release and fire selector.
- Fits all 14mm CCW Flash Hider and Silencer attachments.
- With a crane stock it is rear wired and fits batteries up to 9.6v with small Tamiya connector Fits standard M16/M4 AEG magazines
With QD anchor slots for sling swivel attachment (not included) on the rear on both sides, that just about wraps up this ergonomically ultra modern AR. With VFC, the quality is top notch and the performance is both reliable and consistent. A good price for a top notch AEG like this.
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