Inner barrel spacer for silencer

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More info

This spacer will allow to center an internal AEG / GBB barrel into a silencer. Built with a resistant and flexible polymer, the spacer will fit with a slight resistance all around the inner walls of the silencer to ensure maximum stability and delete vibrations.

  • Allows the precision barrel to be precisely centered through the silencer
  • Compatible with all GBB / AEG precision barrel (~8.55mm outer diameter)
  • Not compatible with PTW inner barrel
  • Absorbs 100% of vibrations for perfect shooting stability
  • Set of one spacer
  • Silencer not included
  • Select the inner diameter size of your silencer before adding to cart

Data sheet

MaterialPolymer - 3D print

Questions  (4)

A partir de Marc | 2025-03-17 20:40:32


Quel diamètre conseillez vous pour un Cyma HY-191 silencer 190mm?

Merci d'avance.



Bonjour, il vous faut un spacer de diamètre 30 mm à 30.9 mm.

A partir de Jean Charles | 2023-06-22 15:10:49

Bonjour , quel diamètre conseillez vous pour un Silencieux ROTEX V ?



il vous faudra le diamètre 36.

A partir de Dimitri | 2021-11-14 18:04:36

bonjour, pour le Action Army AAC Silencieux Hive 14mm CCW, quelle diamètre de barrel spacer a conseiller? de 34mm a 34,9 ou de 35mm a 35,9


Bonjour , le 35 mm à 35.9 mm


A partir de Pavlos | 2021-11-12 20:14:31

What is the inner diameter of this spacer? Will it fit a maple leaf crazy jet inner barrel ?
Kind Regards.


Hello , the inner diameter is 8.50 / 8.55 and yes it is compatible with crazy jet .

Best regards,

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