Bonjour, cet achat est pour faire un cadeau. Je vous dirais plus tard ce qu'en pense le destinataire.
Jimmy P.
Great magazines
Works great with HK416. Can do 3 reload on every gas fill.
Nils G.
Sehr gute Produkte zu einem tollen Preis. Lieferung sehr schnell und Rückgaben auch unkompliziert. Ich kann Powair6 sehr empfehlen! Macht weiter so...
Pieter V.
Ordered 4 mags, none were leaking and all of them locked back the bolt as intended after the last bb. This was tested in a VFC HK416 A5 gen3. So 5/5 starts for me
alain p.
va au petits oignon dans mon rattler sig
Peter V.
Great quality
Great quality mags, the bottom plate is a bit thin and breaks easily so it needs a bit more care.
Eric D.
VFC 30rds VMAG
I had ordered my item to Germany via UPS and I have to say that it arrived very quickly, which was really good. It meets the expectations and is of course a genuine item.In addition, the prices are really cheap compared to German shops. I no longer see any reason to buy items in Germany that you could also get from here.
Pedro M.
Good products and Amazing store
Melvin V.
Envoie très rapide, mais une commande a quasiment 500€ et même pas un petit cadeaux comme une goudies ou autocollant mais sinon rien a redire sur le matos ????