
Avis clients

Maksym F.
Maksym F.
Tom L.
fonctionne parfaitement, il suffit d'utiliser du gaz siliconé et de ne jamais la stocker vide et votre grenade...
Andy P.
Bien , bref c’est du tokyo marui !
Livraison rapide,concernat la réplique:la réplique marche bien, seul petit défaut c’est la puissance du sniper (...
Gilles L.
Très bon rapport qualité/prix
Petit prix pour graisse de haute qualité ! A appliquer au pinceau : nul besoin d'en mettre une tonne...
Gilles L.
Très bon rapport qualité/prix
Excellente graisse à prix serré. A appliquer au pinceau, nul besoin de confondre gearbox et friteuse Lol
Gilles L.
Très bon rapport qualité/prix
Kit installé sur un VFC Saber CQB équipé d'un silencieux de 150mm. Canon Prometheus de 363mm. Monté sur un...
Gilles L.
Très bon rapport qualité/prix
En remplacement de celui d'origine sur un VFC Avalon Saber CQB Aster Gate. Maintien amélioré.

APS crosse CRS rétractable pour M4 AEG - avis Il y a 1 avis.

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Dave B.
Ordered 3 over time, factory thread issue?
Perfect stock with easy battery access, looks perfect and depending on your gun easy to install.Ordered one in 2019 voor my Wolverine MTW, needed to dremel some plastic to make it fit, but after that assembly was a charm.Ordered one in june/juli 2020 for my new indoor MTW, The ring needed to attach to the upper receiver was damaged, the tread was not okay from the factory so it would not fit. Emailed with Powair (including pictures if you guys want to reach out to the manufacturer) and i could get a replacement (but was to lazy to send it back myself).I still wanted a CRS stock on the indoor MTW so last week (januari 2021) ordered one again to put on the indoor MTW. To my strange suprise it had exactly the same damaged tread issues the mid 2020 order had. I checked the 2019 tread and that were perfectly fine. I now had en extra one so i put the dremel onto the tread to try and fix the tread, took me an hour put now its onto the MTW.I hope APS fixes the tread issue on these rings since its quite annoying to deal with (a already tough to get tight) assembly ring. Besides that it looks absolutely great and is durable on your replica. I would not want another stock (thats why i ordered the third one).
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